
Homework Workflow

Steps to submit your homework

  1. Check if you are in your master branch.
git branch
  1. Keep your local repository updated.
git pull origin master && git fetch
  1. Create a NEW branch for your homework from master.
git checkout -b homework_1_missing_places
  1. Do your changes and add to your homework branch.
git add .
  1. Commit your changes in your new branch.
git commit -m "Add your own message here"
  1. Once you done with your assigment push your changes on your new branch.
git push --set-upstream origin homework_1_missing_places
  1. Create a pull request to merge your new branch into master.

Create pull request

  1. Select ALL teachers as reviewers (5 teachers).

Create pull request

  1. Reviewers going to add comments (if they find things to improve).

Steps to update reviewers’ comments

  1. Check if you are in your homework branch.
git branch
  1. Do your new changes and add to your homework branch.
git add .
  1. Commit your new changes in your homework branch.
git commit -m "Add your own message here"
  1. Once you done with your updates push your changes on your homework branch.
git push --set-upstream origin homework_1_missing_places
  1. Let reviewers know that you updated the code adding a comment.

  2. They are going through and resolve their comments.

  3. When you get an approval comment (at least one of the teachers), you can merge your pull request in master.

🎉GREAT!! You complete your homework.🎉