
Interactive component

What we would cover?

  • variables
  • function
  • html queries
  • button with actions


let strangeButtonCmp = document.getElementById("strangeButton");

function clickHandler(event) {
	console.log('Hey, you just pressed strange button');

strangeButtonCmp.addEventListener("click", clickHandler);


  • are like boxes 📦
  • you can put stuff into 📥
  • and retrieve it later! 📤


  • Initialization: (nameOfVariable is chosen by YOU)
    let nameOfVariable;
  • Assignment:
    nameOfVariable = 5;
    (you can put in any kind of value)
  • Retrieve value:
    (write the variable name wherever you would write a value)


  • Initialization: (Definition and assignment in one line)
    let nameOfVariable;
    nameOfVariable = 5;
    ... is the same as
    let nameOfVariable = 5;

						let name;
						name = prompt("What's your name?");
						alert("Hi " + name + "!");


						let name = prompt("What's your name?");
						alert("Hi " + name + "!");

What makes a good variable name?

  • Is xxx a good variable name?
  • Is myVariable a good variable name?
  • Is age a good variable name?
  • → Name should describe what is stored in the variable!
  • → Otherwise code will be hard to read and understand
  • In JavaScipt, it is common to use camelCase 🐫
  • "blog post title" becomes "blogPostTitle"
  • "number of users" becomes ...?


alert("Hello world!");

prompt("What is your name?");

  • What is "alert" and "prompt" here?
  • They are functions
  • Functions are building blocks in JavaScript
  • You will use functions all the time
  • A JavaScript function is a block of code designed to perform a particular task.


  • Definition:
    							function nameOfFunction() {
    								// body (your code)
    								// ...
    								// ...
    (nameOfFunction is choosen by YOU)
  • Function call:
    (can be used in any line in the code after the function was defined)

But why do we need it?

  • Let's say you want to ask the user about the weather from time to time 🌤
    							let weather;
    							weather = prompt("How's the weather right now?");
    							alert("Oh, so it's " + weather + ", eh?");

					let weather1;
					weather1 = prompt("How's the weather right now?");
					alert("Oh, so it's " + weather1 + ", eh?");


					let weather2;
					weather2 = prompt("How's the weather right now?");
					alert("Oh, so it's " + weather2 + ", eh?");


					let weather3;
					weather3 = prompt("How's the weather right now?");
					alert("Oh, so it's " + weather3 + ", eh?");

Do we have to write that every time?

  • Functions are blocks of code that you can define
    							function askForWeather() {
    								let weather;
    								weather = prompt("How's the weather right now?");
    								alert("Oh, so it's " + weather + ", eh?");
  • They can be called at any time!
  • So we don't neet to copy code!

HTML queries


How are you?

let goodButtonCmp = document.getElementById("goodButton");
let badButtonCmp = document.getElementById("badButton");
let answerCmp = document.getElementById("answer");

function goodButtonClick(event) {
	answerCmp.textContent = "That's great 😊";

function badButtonClick(event) {
	answerCmp.textContent = "Oh that's sad 😥";

goodButtonCmp.addEventListener("click", goodButtonClick);
badButtonCmp.addEventListener("click", badButtonClick);

For that you need to do:

  • Find an element via it's id property
    							let goodButtonCmp = document.getElementById("goodButton");
  • Write a function
    							function goodButtonClick(event) {
    								// do something here
  • Attach this function to your element
    							goodButtonCmp.addEventListener("click", goodButtonClick);

But where do we write JavaScipt code?

We will use <script/> tag inside index.html

  <meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>My HTML Page</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">

Example with buttons

  <meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>My HTML Page</title>
  <p>How are you?</p>
  <button id="goodButton">Good 👍</button><button id="badButton">Bad 👎</button>
  <p id="answer"></p>
	 let goodButtonCmp = document.getElementById("goodButton");
	 let badButtonCmp = document.getElementById("badButton");
	 let answerCmp = document.getElementById("answer");

	 function goodButtonClick(event) {
		answerCmp.textContent = "That's great 😊";

 	 function badButtonClick(event) {
		answerCmp.textContent = "Oh that's sad 😥";

	 goodButtonCmp.addEventListener("click", goodButtonClick);
	 badButtonCmp.addEventListener("click", badButtonClick);

Now let's practice

Please do the following

  • Copy your index.html file and name it Lesson3.html
  • Create a Feel good button
  • Make this button do the console.log('I feel really good today') if user clicked it
  • HINT: for that you need to apply all what we just learned :)


First interactive component