Lecture 4

Numbers, Math, and "change"

What we will cover today

  • the number type
  • basic arithmetic
  • browser element's "change" event
  • editing the DOM in more complex ways


Integers and Floating Point numbers are treated the same

    let age = 3; // = 3
    let heightInMeters = 1.5; // = 1.5

Review: console.log

function used by developers to print text to the console

    let age = 3;
    console.log("age", age);

browser element's change event

  • happen when an input, select, or textarea's content changes
  • MDN Spec
const nameInputEl = document.getElementById('nameInput');
const nameEl = document.getElementById('name');

nameInputEl.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
    nameEl.textContent = 'Name: ' + event.target.value;


basic arithmetic

// Some basic arithmetic
1 + 1; // = 2
0.1 + 0.2; // = 0.30000000000000004
8 - 1; // = 7
10 * 2; // = 20
35 / 5; // = 7

// uneven division.
5 / 2; // = 2.5

// Precedence is enforced with parentheses.
(1 + 3) * 2; // = 8

Add calculator



const inputOneEl = document.getElementById('addOneInput');
const inputTwoEl = document.getElementById('addTwoInput');
const answerEl = document.getElementById('addAnswer');

function handleInputChange() {
    const answer = inputOneEl.value + inputTwoEl.value;
    answerEl.textContent = answer;
inputOneEl.addEventListener('change', handleInputChange);
inputTwoEl.addEventListener('change', handleInputChange);

Oh no, it is adding strings together


This is because adding strings does concatanation
"a" + "b" = "ab";

so "1" + "1" = "11";

what we want is
1 + 1 = 2;

Add calculator v2



const inputOneEl = document.getElementById('addOneInputv2');
const inputTwoEl = document.getElementById('addTwoInputv2');
const answerEl = document.getElementById('addAnswerv2');

function handleInputChange() {
    const answer = parseFloat(inputOneEl.value) + parseFloat(inputTwoEl.value);
    answerEl.textContent = answer;
inputOneEl.addEventListener('change', handleInputChange);
inputTwoEl.addEventListener('change', handleInputChange);

There we go, notice the parseFloat()

Global Scope vs Local Scope


let sum = 0; // global scope

function handleInputChange(event) {
    const num = parseFloat(event.target.value); // local scope
    sum = sum + num;

inputOneEl.addEventListener('change', handleInputChange);

function updateAnswer() {
    answerEl.textContent = sum;
    console.log('sum:', sum);
    console.log('num:', num); // will error because there is no num in this scope

updateBtnEl.addEventListener('click', updateAnswer);

Animal List Example

  • dog

Animal List Example Code

const animalListEl = document.getElementById('animalList');
const animalInputEl = document.getElementById('animalInput');
const animalAddBtn = document.getElementById('addAnimal');

function addAnimal() {
    const animal = animalInputEl.value;
    const animalEl = document.createElement('li');
    animalEl.textContent = animal;
    animalInputEl.value = '';

animalAddBtn.addEventListener('click', addAnimal);

Creating elements with JS!

// HTML: 


// same as const nameEl = document.createElement('p'); nameEl.textContent = "Travis"; document.body.appendChild(nextEl);
  • document.createElement is a function that create DOM elements
  • el.appendChild is a function that adds elements to the DOM

Class work

Time to break into small groups and make a additional calculator:

Class work

Instructions here